Oh well. Now you know. I am a bad bad blogger and it looks like I am going to be like that for another couple of months. Or until winter break at least.The news is that I am full time Berkeley student now and the amount of homework and studying I need to do is mind boggling. Who knew? No, seriously. I do nothing else lately but study. I stopped working, stopped cooking on a regular basis, I stopped blogging. I am only into Early Netherlandish Paintings these days. And you know what? That is cool too! I love my school and I love my classes. Even when I hate them πŸ™‚ So from now on I will not write on a regular basis 😦 and if I will quickly cook or bake ( so mah men will keep me), Β I might not have the time to take super pretty photos. Sad face again. But one day! Oh yes, one day when I will be a super famous art history professor and cooking and baking still will be my numero uno passion, than I will write on my blog again πŸ™‚ Regularly. Promise. Until then… sobbing…. until then I will try to do little updates here and there and I will post photographs of pretty foods and highlights of our lives. Hope that will do, for a while :)Here are some fun things we did lately, I made lately and we ate lately πŸ™‚

Summer peaches

Honey baked peaches with vanilla ice-cream

Herbed cheese straws in progress

Honey roasted figsHeirloom caprese salad and olivesLove ❀Mishka Love ❀Delicious food @ Tra Vigne,Β NapaBlurry photo from Tra VigneHappy colors: tomatoes and school bus πŸ™‚Tomato heaven ( cooking down summer flavors for the winter months)Β 

If i want my brain to function I need to eat pickles. This is a fact now.Β so I had to make more pickles. and I love the duckies πŸ™‚Brunch at home: sweet potato and corn hash with eggs easy overRoasting chicken like I know what I am doing πŸ™‚The perfect roasted chicken for our Top Gun picnicPicnicking is fun!Bye πŸ™‚ for now πŸ™‚

and I will be back! that is a promise ❀